Sunday, January 3, 2016

Hello New Year

As New Year's go, I don't generally look back as I'm moving forward.......
unless it's to say 'thank heavens that is done'.
Haven't we all had a year or two like that?

This year, time is going to move a bit quicker for me.
So it's important that I jump in and swim quickly.

My New Year's resolution promise is always simple (it makes it easier to attain, don't I know), and usually consists of me promising that I will take better care of myself.

This year the RESOLUTION (see, already committing to something bigger) is to write my list down, set the goals with a timeline and journal them daily. This is my stay on track plan so I can accomplish the things I need to; especially the simple things that get put to the bottom of the list.

As I welcome 2016, I have to admit that the last year was a wonderful prelude to what is coming this year. Richard and I were engaged last February and we will be married this June. So the 'to-do list' for 2016 is long and the promises to myself have a tight timeline.
The journal and list app are both in full swing.

Part of the plan is committing more to this blog. There is so much to share (especially with wedding plans in full swing) and I want to offer more to my readers. 
Like the bride - the blog needs a fresh new face. 
Changes are coming.

And YOU. 
Do you make a resolution or promise for the new year?
Even quietly to yourself? 

What are your plans for 2016?


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